Thank you for flying D.S. Express. We hope you enjoy your stay at your destination, but we feel that we must once again warn you that the two original shows that this universe is the result of the crossing of, are owned by people who are not me. And while you may distribute this Fic freely (note the word FREE in that statement), you must give them credit for making the individual shows and give me credit for the following merger. Sailor Smeg-Heads By Dan "DemonStalker" Fuller "SMEG... HEAD!!!" A huge mass of smegma in shape of a skull with a capital H' on it's forehead flies towads it's target. The Monster of the Day is completely splattered and likewise sickened. "AAARRGGHHH!!!... Ewwww." "SPIN... ON IT!!!" As the MotD is trying wipe itself clean, it notices the yell, and looks up in abject terror. A giant Freeway Salute' is racing to meet up with it, spinning very speedily. It rams into MotD's chest, then explodes, taking a nice chunk of the surrounding area with it. But the MotD is still alive... kind of. Sailor Kryton: Oh no! It is still alive! This is ALL my fault! Sailor Rimmer: Yes, your right, this is your fault. Everything is. Now, release some of your guilt by getting me a soda. S.K.: O.. Okay, but I don't see how you're going drink it, sir . I mean, you are a hologram. S.R.: Oh, just get the smegging soda! At that, Sailor Kryton runs off. Sailor Lister looks at Sailor Rimmer. S.L.:'Ey, Rimmah. Ya' didn't have ta lay it on im so much. E feels guilty enough as it is. And what the SMEG are ya goin' ta do when e brings back the soda, huh? E said it himself, you're a smeggin' HOLOGRAM for smeg's sake! S.R.: Look, I was only doing him favor. Now he gets to work off some of his guilt by serving one of the people he was created to serve. Well, anyway, where's Tuxedo Cat? He usally finishes these creatures off for us with his Bazookoid. One dishevelled Tuxedo Cat leaps down in front of them. Tuxedo Cat: Sorry, I'm late! I found this really hot babe who wanted to get down and dirty right there in the alley I met her in! Whoo, she was fine! Anyway, I came as fast as I could! [turns to MotD who is trying to drag itself away] Hey brother! It's time to get down off the mortal coil! T.C. levels the Bazookoid, fires and turns MotD into a fine green mist. T.C.: Ha-HA! Got im!