Author's Note: The characters, places, lots of other stuff are all copyrights of various people and companies, not me! I didn't think these up! The only thing I can claim to be my own is the basic storyline after the introduction. For your information, I'm using the Japanese names of the Sailor Senshi. Serena=Usagi Amy=Ami Raye=Rei Lita=Makoto Mina=Minako Forword: (you probably want to read this and not skip over it) This story is a crossover where characters from Sailor Moon are plunged into the Ranma 1/2 universe of chaos and confusion. It begins at the end of the 65th episode of the American Sailor Moon series, Sibling Rivalry. I don't know what episode it is in the Japanese version. Basically, Prisma, one of four sisters has a Nega-Moon Strobe that increases her strength, Rubius comes after she fails, and starts up the ultimate power of the strobe, the Warp Hole of Time, which is a big vacuum that sucks everything into an alternate dimension. The Sailor Scouts are hanging on to the vertical things that hold up the suspension bridge they are on. Rubius leaves, and the story begins. Sailor Moon-Ranma 1/2 Crossover: Jyusenkyo Senshi -Episode 1 ---Transported into Another Dimension?! The Warp-Hole of Time--- The Nega-Moon strobe starts to break up the ground as its vacuum grows. The Sailor Senshi are holding on to the vertical cables that hold up the suspension bridge and the four sisters are huddled together. Chibi Usa is hiding in the background. Sailor Moon: OOOHHHH!!!! I wanna go home!! Tuxedo Mask: You can't give up now, Sailor Moon! Saior Moon looks up, surprised. Sailor Moon: Tuxedo Mask! Can you help us? Tuxedo Mask: You've got to beat this thing, Sailor Senshi! If you all pool your power, you can overload it and shut it down! Sailor Moon: You think so? Tuxedo Mask: Sure, what have you got to lose? Sailor Moon and the other look at the growing hole for a moment. Artemis: We've got to let ourselves get sucked into the warp-hole, and then destroy the strobe before we cross into the other dimension. Are you guys ready to do this? No guarantees: it's bound to be dangerous. Sailor Jupiter: You're asking us to go down that thing?! Luna: Artemis is right. What have we got to lose? We can't hold on here forever. All: . . . Luna: Come on scouts, be strong! Reluctantly, the five scouts leap into the giant hole and disappear inside it. The four sisters look on, thinking they will never come back. Chibi Usa comes out from behind where she was hiding. Chibi Usa: Sailor Moon, no! Don't go!!!! Prisma: It's the little moon princess! Katzy and Birdie: No Chibi Usa, hold on! Avery, thinking fast, lashes out her whip and it wraps around Chibi Usa's waist just as the suction lifts her off the ground. However, the suction is too great, and Chibi Usa twirls in mid-air as she moves closer to the hole, being unwound from the whip. Avery: She's slipping out! I can't hold her! As she says this, some of the debris from the battle with Prisma is sucked up by the suction and smashes against the four sisters and Chibi Usa. All the four sisters can do is hold on to the cracks in the ground, and Chibi Usa screams and flails her arms about as she is sucked in. *** The Sailor Senshi have entered the limbo between the two dimensions, a desolate place, and they are moving at great speed to a light, still far off, that is the hole on the other side of this limbo. Sailor Moon: Whoa, weird place... Luna: No time to admire the atmosphere- we've got to find that strobe! Sailor Mars: Up there!! {points up to a shiny object} Artemis: OK guys, join hands! Luna: Now, concentrate all your energy to blow that thing to smithereens! The scouts from a circle by joining hands and concentrate. Sailor Moon: Moon Crystal Power!! Sailor Mercury: Mercury Star Power!! Sailor Mars: Mars Star Power!! Sailor Jupiter: Jupiter Star Power!! Sailor Venus: Venus Star Power!! All: Sailor Planet Power!!! The scouts grow energy auras and a white beam of light is channeled through the center of the circle, aimed at the strobe above them. At this instant Chibi Usa comes flying out of the gateway, and gets in the middle of the beam as it condenses. Sailor Moon: Oh no!!!! CHIBI USA!!!!!!!!!! Chibi Usa: WAAAAAHHHH!!! Sailor Moon breaks off, stopping the beam. However, Chibi Usa was hit, and is flying back out the way she came from the force. Sailor Mars: SAILOR MOON!! GET BACK HERE!! They all look up, and see the strobe growing smaller and smaller, from the distance, until it vanishes from sight. Sailor Mars {looking peeved}: Nice going, Sailor Moon, once again you've managed to mess things up. Sailor Moon: Oh, be quiet, Mars, we don't need that right now. Luna: I wonder where we'll come out of this thing... Artemis: Interesting question. There's no telling where we'll end up. The light grows larger as the team flies toward the opening. As they get closer, they can see a far off horizon through the hole. Luna {to herself}: This doesn't look good... Artemis: Scouts, brace yourselves for a crash landing!! Sailor Venus maneuvers over and holds Artemis. Luna looks over to Sailor Moon for the same measure of loyalty, but finds her sobbing with her back turned. She can't help but feel sympathetic, but there's time for crying later. The hole opens wide before them, and they are launched through it. The group sees that they are very high in the sky where they are coming through. The team splits off, and everyone falls down separately, except for Sailor Venus and Artemis. Luna: Well, aren't we lucky! There are hundreds of little pools down there. Everyone, try to land in those lakes! They'll break our fa- She is cut off as she hits the water. An onlooking tour guide looks at all of the different pools with large splashes rising up from them. Tour Guide {to himself}: Oh boy, they is in for a surprise... The tour guide runs over and drags the scouts and friends out of the pools, being careful not to get himself wet by using gloves and a long pole. They are all unconscious. Minako is the first to awaken. She gets up and looks around. Her friends are nowhere in sight, and all she sees is a weird tour guide hauling a panda out of one of the pools. Dismissing this sight, she walks around to look for her friends, and finds no one she knows; only some animals, a boy and a girl. She walks over to the strange tour guide. Minako: Excuse me, but do you have someplace I can lie down, I'm kinda winded and I'm looking for my friends. Tour Guide: Oh, you probably find them soon enough. {pointing to the edge of the field of lakes} There is clearing over there. Minako: Thank you, kind sir! She walks over to the clearing and falls asleep. At this time, Rei wakes up. She tries to recall what happened, but everything is a blur. She gets up, and starts to walk. Rei: She walks over to a pool, and looks at her reflection. A little black piglet stares back at her in the water. Rei: Rei walks over to a tour guide, who is trying to fish out a duck, and tries to ask him where she is but all that comes out is Rei: SQUEAL!! Rei, dumbfounded, realizes that the little black piglet staring back at her was herself, and that the reason the ground looked so close was because she was less than half a foot tall! When she realized all this, she fainted and the tour guide took her over to Minako. Minako: : {yawn} Oh! What a cute little piggy! The tour guide hands the pig to her and walks off. Minako looks down at the little pig. Did the strange man give it to her to keep? While she pondered this, she just sat down beside it and petted it. Soon, she drowsed back off to sleep. The tour guide dragged all the other unconscious "guests" around Minako, and when they were all there, dumped a giant vat of hot water all over them. They all woke up screaming. Minako: What'd you do that for, you jerk! Rei: ARE YOU CRAZY?! Ami: Who are you, and where are we? Usagi: I wanna go hooooooome!!!!!!!!!!!! Tour Guide: Please, calm down, honorable guests. You are in the legendary forbidden training grounds, Jyusenkyo, China. You all had a nasty fall. Rei looked at herself, and saw her old self again, not a pig. Rei: Luna: Training grounds? Who are you? Artemis: How long have we been out? Tour Guide: Oh? You talk? How? Luna: Never mind that. How can we get back to Japan? Tour Guide: Well, you can swim. HAHAHAA! All: . . . Tour Guide: It was joke. Never mind. You can walk two miles to road, hitchhike to airport, and go on plane. Artemis: Thanks! They all walk off, leaving the tour guide alone. Tour Guide: Oh, they is in for BIG surprise! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, I hope you enjoyed the first episode! It's a little hard trying to think up good ways to pull off the embarrassing scenes that will arrive later, but I'm sure it'll turn out fine. Send questions, comments, flames, suggestions, etc. to . I'll do my best to answer them! I created this fanfic using my own noodle- so don't accuse me of stealing it from anyone! You can make copies of this, but if you do, do so without editing the file whatsoever. So far anyway, there is no "naughty" stuff. I might have some in it to add some flavor to a bland story, but this is NOT a hentai fanfic. -Only about as much as the Ranma series had. (not much but some) I hope you've had as much fun reading as I've had writing! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A bunch of stuff in this fanfic is copyrighted by various companies and people, not me (although the basic storyline is of my creation). Don't think for one minute that I created any of that stuff! Mail comments, flames, suggestions (or if you know who these copyrights above belong to) to Sailor Moon-Ranma 1/2 Crossover: Jyusenkyo Senshi -Episode 2 ---A Rough Voyage - Don't You Hate Tsunamis?--- The tired group is walking away from the Jyusenkyo training grounds feeling very overwhelmed over what's happened. Luna: Well, that tour guide certainly was rude, dumping all that hot water all over us. I'm soaked! Ami: Oh, Luna, don't be so angry. After all, we DID fall in those pools, and I don't remember getting out myself. I think he fished us all out. Artemis: You have a point there, Ami. I can't remember anything after we fell in those pools. Minako: Well, I woke up. Everyone stops and looks at Minako. Luna: You did? Minako: Well, yeah. I woke up, walked over to the guide, and he showed me a place to lie down; I was really tired. {yawn} And I still am. Minako suddenly looks around. Minako: Hey, where'd that little piggy go? Rei gets very flushed when she hears this, remembering her dream. It was so REAL. Rei {uneasy}: What piggy? Minako: Oh, the tour guide woke me up once and handed a little black piggy to me. It was asleep, I think. Rei {very uneasy}: So where is it now? Minako: I don't know. It wasn't there when we woke up; it must've scampered off. Oh well. Everyone resumes walking. The group finally reaches the road and Makoto runs to the road to wave down a passing car. Car Driver: Can I help you, miss? Makoto: Yeah, are you going to the airport, by any chance? Car Driver: No, but it on my way. You people need ride? All: Yeah! Car Driver: Well... OK, since it on my way. You can put the cats in the trunk. Luna & Artemis: Hey! mmph! Usagi and Minako cover the cats' mouths. Minako: Sure thing! Makoto sits in the front, while the other four are squashed in the compact back seats. Driver: So, where you come from? Makoto: I think it was some place called Juseyo, or something. Driver: You mean Jyusenkyo? Makoto: Yes, how'd you know. Driver {a little flushed}: ...Oh, it old training ground- been there a long time. They say there are curses there, but I never actually been there so I don't know myself. Makoto: *** The group finally makes it to the airport. They thank the driver and go inside. Ami: What?!....I see..... OK, thank you. Ami walks back to the others, who are sitting around in the waiting area. Ami: I had no idea that it would be that expensive! I also just realized that none of us has any money! Everyone makes a face fault as they realize this. Ticket Lady: Excuse me, but if you need to get to Japan that badly, you can just take the boat. All: What? Ticket Lady: That's right, there's a boat that leaves every two days, and if you don't have money they'll take you, but you have to do chores. Ami: Great! Thank you! Ticket Lady: The port is 15 blocks east of here, but you'll have to hurry; it leaves within the hour. The group is off immediately, running down the streets to the port. Luna: {huff} Boy, this sure is hard running! {puff} Makoto: Don't worry, we're almost there! Sure enough, the port is right where the ticket lady said it was. They explain to the manager that they have no money, and he lets them on board and leads them to the kitchen. Usagi and Minako hide their cats, because they probably aren't allowed on board. Cook {to kitchen hand}: Looks like we have freeloaders. Well, at least they're girls; they can probably cook. Cook: Welcome! So you don't have any money, eh? Well we have plenty of food to prepare for our *paying* guests, so make yourselves useful and get some of the cooking stuff out. Dinner starts in an hour. With that, the cook leaves, and the group can't help but feel a little guilty for not paying. After an hour passes, the cook comes back. Cook: Well, dinner's started and the orders will be coming in through here. We have three kitchen hands who'll be here in a few minutes to help you if you have trouble with the recipes. In the meantime, wash up. Dinner starts, and the kitchen hands arrive. Makoto has no trouble with her recipes, while Usagi always makes awful stuff or sets something on fire. The kitchen hands just drag her away to the fountain drink machine and tell her to pour drinks. Amazingly, she doesn't spill anything on herself. After a few hours, dinner ends and the guests fall asleep on futons spread out on the floor of the cargo hold. When the group wakes up, they look out on the horizon and see a city. It is early in the morning and it is still dark outside. Suddenly, the group sees some of the buildings shake and fall down. Then there is an earth-shaking rumbling sound as they realize that there is an earthquake taking place. They try to wake everyone up, but only succeed in waking a few important people and retrieving their cats. Captain: Oh no, an earthquake?! All hands on deck! People are seen running back and forth across the deck as they tie everything down. All of a sudden, a large swell in the ocean appears and a huge wave curls up. Captain: TSUNAMI!! TAKE COVER! The huge wave breaks in front of them, tossing their ship about. Then another one forms closer to them, and the intake of water pulls their boat in. The wave breaks over them, smashing the boat into about 20 pieces and a lot of debris. There are more waves, but none of these hit the boat fragments. Hours later, at about 9:00, Minako wakes up on a beach. Minako {weakly}: I hate my life. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you've enjoyed the second episode! I know that not a lot of stuff has happened so far, but hey, they're at Japan now, aren't they? I do not pretend to be a scholar on the physics of a tsunami, so don't blame me if tsunamis don't work like that. I'm still trying to think of a good way to get Ranma & co. to meet up with the group of Sailor Senshi, but I think I've found a way. If you want to write to me, do so at And if you're wondering, I'll have them all find out about their transformations next episode- after all, ocean water's cold, isn't it? PS- The reason Minako doesn't seem to change will be explained as well. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The characters, and a lot of other stuff in this fanfic are copyrights of a lot of other people, not me. WARNING: The following episode of this fanfic contains a scene of adult material. If you are offended by such material, don't read this episode, or just kind of cleverly skip that part. It isn't graphic or lengthy at all, really; I just thought I'd warn you, that's all. Sailor Moon - Ranma 1/2 Crossover: Jyusenkyo Senshi -Episode 3 ---Separation - The Embarrassing Truth About the Cursed Springs--- It is about 7:00, just after the earthquake, however, it is not felt in the Nerima district of Tokyo. Ranma Saotome is getting out of bed. Ranma: {yawn} Ah, another boring day. If something doesn't happen soon, I'll die of boredom. Downstairs, Soun Tendo and Genma Saotome are waiting for breakfast. Kasumi is making it in the kitchen. Ranma takes a bath and goes downstairs. Kasumi: Breakfast's ready! Genma, Ranma, and the Tendos scarf down their meal, and then Akane and Ranma go off to school. Akane: So Ranma, how was your night? Ranma: Um... good, I guess, why? Akane: I barely slept. I just had this strange dream that things are not going to stay calm around here much longer. Ranma: That's great! I was beginning to get bored with life around here. It's been too dull. And now that I think about it, I don't think you've slugged me all week! Akane {getting an annoyed look} : And that's a bad thing? Ranma: Ah, let's just drop it. All I'm saying is that nothing weird has happened lately. I haven't seen Shampoo in a few days, Ryoga's lost again, Nabiki hasn't bribed me in the past 48 hours, and Kuno's keeping Kodachi busy, I guess. Even Happosai isn't being *too* much of a pain. Akane: You know, I think you have a point. Things have been awful quiet lately... The two arrive at Furinkan High School, and they go inside. *** Back at the Tendo Dojo, Ryoga barges in. Soun and Genma look up from their game of Go. Ryoga: Where's that Ranma? I'm looking for him! Genma: He went to school, of course. Ryoga {with a sheepish look}: Oh, yeah....right. With that, Ryoga runs out in the exact opposite direction of Furinkan High. Soun: That boy really does have a bad sense of direction. Oh well, let's resume our game. *** At the Kunos' Mansion, things are afoot as well. Tatewaki: I have it! Kodachi looks up from her breakfast plate. Tatewaki: I will invite Akane and the pig-tailed girl to dinner tonight! There will be a feast, and I will shower them both with gifts and, of course, my affection! Then I will ask them which one would like to marry me, and which one would like to just date! Kodachi {putting her head in her hand} : Honestly, I do not understand what you see in that Akane, but OK, do as you wish, just tell me when it will be so I don't have to be involved. Tatewaki: But sister, I need you to cook. Kodachi: Sorry, but I have better things to do than cook for my enemies. Get Sasuke to do it. Tatewaki: Sasuke!! At once, a skimpy little man dressed like a ninja scampers in. Sasuke: Yes, Master Kuno? Tatewaki: Today I am throwing a party for my two beloved’s. I need you to go out and get us some food for the party. Be creative and festive with your choices. Remember, it is to be a feast! Sasuke: Yes, master! With that, Sasuke runs off. Tatewaki sits back in his chair. Tatewaki: Ah, how wonderful it is to have two true loves... I will go to Furinkan High School now to find my two loves and tell them of my feast in the honor. Kodachi: Suit yourself. Tatewaki runs off to the high school, and Kodachi leaves a moment later. *** Minako gets up (it's about 9:00). She starts walking through the city in front of her and finds an old lady crossing her path. Minako: Where is Tokyo? How far away is it? Old Lady: It's about 80 miles away. Why? Minako: I need to get there. That's where my home is. Old Lady: Oh? Lost, eh? Well, there's a tour bus that leaves in two hours that goes there. Here's some money for the ticket. Minako: Really? Oh thank you so much! Old Lady: Just find one of the bus stops. The old lady walks off. Minako: Minako finds one of the stops and waits for he bus. *** Makoto wakes up on a grassy hill just a little way away from the ocean. Makoto looks up to see a guy standing about two feet away. Makoto {getting up} : Wh- What- Where am I? Ryoga: Beats me. *** Artemis wakes up to the sound of a bunch of guys talking. Artemis looks up, and the guys return the look with wide eyes. There are about 7 of them and two or three spontaneously get nosebleeds. Artemis, as always, isn't supposed to talk to strangers because after all, he is a cat. Artemis: Meow. Artemis is shocked at how feminine his voice sounded. Artemis looks down to see a naked woman's body. All at once (s)he realizes that (s)he should get out of there and cover up, and all Artemis could say is Artemis-chan: Oh my... Artemis-chan, with her hands over her chest and crotch, ran and snapped up someone's beach towel, then ran into the city where she would think of what to do next. Artemis-chan: Artemis-chan ran into the same old lady that Minako ran into, who stopped her short. Old Lady: My, what are you doing back here? And why are you only in a beach towel? Good heavens! Come with me; I'll get you something decent to wear. Artemis-chan smiled, said thank you, and followed the old lady into her house, which was only a block away. Old Lady: So whatever happened to your clothes, young lady? And why is your hair so short? Just a few minutes ago it was very long, but now it's short. Artemis-chan {putting on some clothes}: Look miss, I appreciate what you're doing for me, but you have me mistaken for someone else. I've never met you before, have I? Do you know how to get to Tokyo from here? Old Lady: The girl I seem to have mistaken you for asked the same question. I'll give you the same advice. Go down a few blocks to the bus station; there's a bus that heads for Tokyo there, and it leaves in about an hour and a half.'s some money for the bus ticket. Artemis-chan {taking the money} : Thanks! I'll try to repay you some day! Artemis-chan takes off for the bus stop, still uneasy about the clothes she's wearing. *** Luna wakes up to find herself on a beach, and half waterlogged. She gets up, only to find that she is much higher off the ground than usual. *Much* higher. She walks into the city and people start to stare at her. Person 1: L..look! It's a panda! Person 2: What in the world is a panda doing here?! Person 1: I don't know! Let's just stay away from it. The people stay out of Luna's away, but Luna stops. Hearing what the people said, she looks down. Sure enough, she's a panda. Totally freaked out, she starts running. *** Ami awakens. She looks around herself to find that she's about half a mile off shore. She isn't on any ship debris, but just floating on the water. She looks down. Ami: Ami starts flapping her arms (wings) wildly, and it carries her out of the water. Ami: Ami spends a minute or two trying out her wings, then flies towards the shore. *** Usagi drowsily wakes up. She looks around herself, seeing a beach with her hazy eyes. She sees a piglet next to her. It seems unconscious. She reaches over to nudge it, when she realizes two things at once. 1) She is very small; the same size as the little piglet. 2) Her outstretched hand isn't a hand, but a paw. Usagi starts wailing, as best as a bunny can, and doesn't stop until the sound wakes up the piglet at which time it makes a loud Rei: SQUEAL!!!!!!! SQUEAL!!!!!!! Usagi looks over at the squealing piglet, and starts wailing again. Rei gets tired of the bunny's incessant screeching and pawing at her face. Usagi calms down, Rei stops the pawing, and the two just look at each other. Rei: Usagi {sobbing} : Rei: Rei scratches, "Usagi?" in the sand. Usagi looks at it, dumbfounded. Expecting this response, Rei scratches, "Rei -->" in the sand. Usagi is still dumbfounded. Finally she realizes what has taken place, and the proceed to enter the city to find out just where they are. *** Artemis-chan finds a bus stop with a bench beside it. Strange enough, there is a girl sitting at the bench that looks just like her. Artemis-chan: Artemis-chan walks over and says hi to the girl (who is, much to her surprise, wearing the same clothes Minako was wearing on the ship) Minako: Hiya, you waiting for the bus too? Artemis-chan: Yeah. By the way, did you see an old lady earlier today? I saw one, and she said I looked just like some girl she had just seen a few minutes beforehand. You wouldn't by any chance be that girl? Minako: Well, I did see an old lady, but I couldn't be that girl. You have red hair. You see {reaching behind her head grabbing a lock of hair} I have blon- hair... Artemis-chan: Were you about to say blonde? {thinking she's Minako by the way she talks} You weren't by any chance shipwrecked on that ship hit by a tsunami, were you? Minako {still baffled over her hair color} : How'd you know? Artemis-chan: ...Minako? Minako: Hey, how'd you know? Artemis-chan: This may be a little hard to swallow... (actually very hard) but... it's me, Artemis. Minako {with a dumbfounded expression and wide eyes} : EH? Minako sat there thinking, and came to the conclusion that this identical girl must be Artemis, because of her knowledge of the shipwreck and her choice of words. Minako: Artemis? Oh, man... {laughing} You must feel *so* embarrassed!!! ...HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Artemis-chan {angry} : Oh yeah, like I've never seen a girl's body before. It's not like you made any extra effort to cover up in front of me back home. Minako {red with anger} : Why you...... {sigh} How'd we get this way?! Artemis-chan: Well, I think it has something to do with the curse that guy who drove us to the airport was talking about, but that's my only lead. What *I'm* worried about is how to turn back! Minako: Wow, you must really feel stupid.... {resumes laughter} The bus arrives, and the two twins board, and get some stares by the people on the bus, but that's all. The doors close, and the bus gets on its way. *** Makoto looks up at Ryoga. Ryoga: Here. {helps Makoto up} I was hoping you knew where Tokyo was. I left there this morning and got lost. But I guess you can't help me, because you don't know where we are either. See you mister... The word rang in Makoto's ears like a gong. "MISTER... Mister... mister..." She looks down to see clear, unobstructed visage to her feet. Makoto-kun: Huh? Wh.. wh... Makoto-kun starts feeling his chest, finding neither of the usual "bulges" there. Makoto simply faints. Ryoga: What a weird guy... Ryoga is about to leave when a giant panda come running towards him. Ryoga: Hey!! Mr. Saotome! OVER HERE!!! Ryoga waves down the panda, and takes out a steaming kettle from his backpack. He pours it on he panda, expecting to see it revert into Genma Saotome. All he hears is a loud screech as the panda shrinks into a small black cat. Ryoga: hmm, interesting. I expected to see Genma....... oh well. Luna: Wait! Ryoga: You talk? Luna: Yes! Now wait just a minute and tell me something! Luna spills her story and asks Ryoga how she turned back. Ryoga lays out the whole bit about how people with Jyusenkyo curses change according to getting splashed with hot/cold water. Luna: Oh, great, so you mean they could have turned into ANYTHING?! Ryoga: Yep. Oh by the way, do you know where Tokyo is from here? Luna: Tokyo? I want to go there too. I'll accompany you. Maybe I can be of assistance. Ryoga: OK, but wait, that guy over there is waking up. Makoto-kun: {shaking his head} unh... Luna? Luna: Quick, Ryoga, pour hot water on him! Ryoga does so, and Makoto's true form is revealed, and she starts rolling on the ground saying "YA-TAAA!" when she finds out she has a developed chest again. Luna: Oh, dear... Makoto turns into a guy..... Makoto: Luna! It's so good to see you! I had the WORST dream! Ryoga {smirking} : hmph, it wasn't a dream. Makoto: eh? Ryoga spills the story about Jyusenkyo again, and Makoto starts to weep. Makoto: {sob} Thanks for your help Ryoga, but I think {sob} I'll need a minute alone. {sob} Makoto runs off into some tall bushes and cries. *** At about 11:00, Usagi and Rei are walking through a park where a huge net sweeps over both of them. Rei: SQUEAL!!! Sasuke: HAHAHA!!! These two pets, along with this duck I just caught will make excellent courses for Master Kuno's evening feast!! HEEHEEHEE! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you've enjoyed the third episode! I know it's a little lengthy, but I didn't mean it to be! I just hope you find it amusing to read. Send comments to Originally, I wanted to fit the next episode into it as well, but I realized that it would be incredibly huge, so I decided against it, and to break it into two episodes.